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Motorcycle-related Links

Here are a few motorcycle-related sites I especially enjoy:

Forums and Resources:

The Kiwi Biker forum - a meeting place for (predominantly) New Zealand motorbike riders. I am an active member as "Wolf".

The XT225 forum - a meeting place for XT225 enthusiasts from all around the globe and a great source of information about solving problems and ideas for modifications. I am an active member as "Wolf".

The ADVRider forum - a global forum dedicated to Adventure Riding. I am an active member as "Wolf1066".

Horizons Unlimited - an excellent resource for Adventure Riding and it has its own forum as well of which I am an active member as "Wolf1066".


As a veteran of nearly 25 year's riding, I am dedicated to the cause of safe riding practices.

The Ride Forever site, a New Zealand site dedicated to rider safety and survival.

Interesting safety-related articles at

Helmet safety - exactly how safe are those helmets and is the Snell rating actually better than the others?


I have long enjoyed travelling long distances on my motorbikes and hope to some day tour various countries of the World in the company of my wife, Juliet, and our children.

Years ago I read Ted Simon's Jupiter's travels and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Here are some links that inspire me, they may inspire you, too.

The Silk Riders - following Marco Polo's route along the Silk Road to Xanadu.

The Last Hurrah - Des Molloy and Dick Huurdeman's journey from Beijing to Arnhem in 2005. I had the chance to meet Des and hear him talk at the Hamilton screening of the DVD. A thoroughly inspirational tale - two "old geezers" riding their old bikes over the roof of the world.

Ted Simon, author of Jupiter's Travels and one of my earliest inspirations.

Another World Tour, this time Sjaak Lucassen on a Yamaha R1, proving you don't need an "Adventure Bike" to tour the world.

A TV series I thoroughly enjoyed was The Long Way Round featuring Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman.

Of special interest to me is Lois on The Loose, Lois Pryce's 20,000 mile journey on a Yamaha XT225. I intend to add her book to my library of motorcycling books.
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